Lesson Details



Basically, all AIKO lessons are conducted in Japanese. Students may speak in English, but I will respond in Japanese. Let’s listen a lot and get used to Japanese by ear first.

It will be easier for you to realize the benefits if you have intermediate level of Japanese, but beginner level students are also welcome as long as they can communicate or are willing to do so. Please feel free to try my trial.

  1. 1 on 1 lessons of 50 minutes each. (1回50分のマンツーマンレッスン)
  2. Vocabulary and grammar lessons also focused on Japanese communication.(語彙や文法も日本語コミュニケーション中心にレッスン)
  3. Customized lessons tailored to individual qualities and needs.(レッスンは個人の資質と要望に合わせてカスタムメード)
  4. Provide feedback and self-study content materials.(フィードバック自習コンテンツ素材の提供)
  5. You can reschedule up to one hour before the lesson.(レッスン当日1時間前までのキャンセル連絡で振替可能)

Which skills do you want now?

Lessons will focus on vocabulary, grammar, generic sentences and expressions to improve basic reading and writing skills.(語彙、文法、汎用性のある文章や表現を中心に、読み書きの基礎力を高めるレッスンを行います)

If you need Japanese for casual, conversation-oriented communication or as a language for living, the first priority is to increase the number of words and means necessary for “communication” as much as possible, rather than accuracy.

Lessons are also designed to hone your ability to improvise, choosing the best expressions to use according to TPO, even if they mean the same thing.(会話中心のカジュアルなコミュニケーションや生きるための言葉として日本語が必要なら、まずは正確性より「意思疎通」に必要な言葉や手段をできるだけたくさん増やすことが最優先。また、同じ意味でもTPOに合わせて最適な表現を選んで使う即興性を磨くレッスンを行います)

Who wants to learn to ‘Grammatical accuracy’ ?

  • Study for exams:JLPT, Interviews etc.
  • Document writing:Preparation of certificates, applications and other documents etc.
  • Business letters, reports, presentations etc.

Who wants to good communication?

  • Casual-friendly speaking.(親しみのあるくだけた会話)
  • Slang, buzz words.(俗語、流行言葉)
  • Polite, formal expressions.(礼儀正しい、形式的な表現)
  • Elegant honorifics.(上品な敬語)
  • Strategic conversation.(仕掛ける会話)etc…

While increasing the turnover rate of “listening” and “speaking,” make sure to add “reading” and “writing,” and make it a habit to input and output even for 5 minutes every day!


What can I study with you?(どんな勉強ができる?)

Study through free talk and theme talk.

Enjoy conversation with free themes. Speak up more and more in free talk and theme talk. The words you speak during the lesson will be corrected in the chat box. Improvised speaking brings out the words and habits you normally use more and more, so the correction is stronger and you will be able to speak correctly with repeated practice.


  • Free Talk フリートーク
  • Theme talk (hobbies, work-related topics, etc.)
  • Situation talk (role-playing) シチュエーショントーク(ロールプレイング)
  • Discussion, etc. ディスカッション など

Study with Japanese materials and written materials

Lesson with your materials(持ち込み教材でレッスン)

  • 「GENKI」、「みんなの日本語」、「JLPT教材」など、普段あなたが使っているテキストで一緒に勉強できます。
  • ANKI、Duolingoなど、普段あなたが使っているアプリで一緒に勉強できます。

Please share with me any texts what you would like to study.

Documents, articles and written materials(書き物でレッスン)

  • You can study using articles, books, and websites on news and topics of interest.
  • Correct and instruct Japanese sentences and expressions that you do not understand in real life, such as work e-mails and documents.